■April 03, 2015
World Shorinji Kempo Organization hosted the 2015 WSKO headquarters Spring Training camp from March 17 to March 20 at Tadotsu, Kagawa.
Before the first WSKO training camp,WSKO members had to participate in training camps for Japanese university students as an opportunity to study Shorinji Kempo in Japan. However, not all the curriculum was applicable for WSKOmembers.
Therefore, we organized a new curriculum that is better fitted for WSKO members.
We had 22 foreign kenshi from 7 countries and 22 Japanese kenshi.
On the first day, Kazuhiro Kawashima, WSKO instructor, facilitated a unique technique for all the participants and later a set of techniques for different levels. All the participants enjoyed learning new skills.
WSKO President, Yuuki So, gave a lecture titled: “How the organization should be and the mentality of Branch Masters (Kenshi.)”
After the lecture, we had our picture taken on the WSKO’s grounds. In the evening, we had free practice with Q&A and Grading Examinations in another venue before completing the schedule of the first day.
At night, we had an enjoyable get-togetherwith President, instructors, WSKO members, kenshis, and their family members.
We enjoyed “temakizushi,” popular Osaka cuisines “takoyaki,” and “okonomiyaki.”
They ran out very quickly.
We received souvenirs from each country and different places in Japan. We heard stories from each place. WSKO staff’s children provided entertainment.
To end the day, Secretary General Kawashima offered concluding remarks (ippon jime).
WSKO and Shorinji Kempo Unity Officers and branch masters

All the participants