Home > What's New? > Information > Apology and Correction Regarding the Names Listed on the Pamphlet for the 2017 Shorinji Kempo World Taikai in California, USA

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Pamphlets prepared by the US Shorinji Kempo Federation were distributed to all attendees who kindly donated during the 2017 Shorinji Kempo World Taikai in California, held on July 30, 2017 at the San Mateo County Event Center.


Due to a production error on the part of the WSKO Secretariat, the names of some participants were not included in the pamphlet. We deeply regret this omission, especially in light of the rigorous training of all participants, many of whom travelled great distances to attend the Taikai. The WSKO sincerely apologizes for this mistake.

Please find a corrected list of participants attached.