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2015 What's New?

December 16, 2015

Regarding the Synchronized Terror Attacks in Paris, France

We would like to offer our sincerest condolences for those who lost their lives as a result of the synchronized terror attacks in central Paris, France on November 13th.
We have received a report that, at present, none of the kenshi of the France Federation were harmed. However, we express our deepest regret that such a great number of sinless individuals passed away.
We pray that the grief of the bereaved family members and other related individuals of the deceased will be relieved as soon as possible.

World Shorinji Kempo Organization

November 19, 2015


The last 7th of November the Gasshuku of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of Shokema Association was held at Carranque sport center in Malaga.
The event took place from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm and it consisted in practice of chinkon gyo, kihon, goho and juho techniques by grade, randori and self defense.




The event counted with the participation of the next instructors:

Instructor Branch
Toni Gómez, Francisco Muñoz Shokema
Ángel D. Pacheco Biznaga
Norberto Criado Mulhacén
José Ángel Brao Generalife
Juan García Malaka
Rogelio Casero Axarquía


October 22, 2015

The 7th Shorinji Kempo European Taikai was held in Lisbon (Portugal) on October 3, 2015.

Venue of the Taikai.

Venue of the Taikai.


500 members participated to the Taikai.






Shorinji Kempo Unity Study Session was held before and after the Taikai (on October 2 and 4.)

Instruction by Instructor Tsunehiro Arai, member of the Board of Director of the WSKO.

Instruction by Instructor Tsunehiro Arai, member of the Board of Director of the WSKO.

Instruction by Instructor Hiroshi Aosaka, member of the Board of Director of the WSKO.

Instruction by Instructor Hiroshi Aosaka, member of the Board of Director of the WSKO.


Special Grading Examination for 4th Dan and 5th Dan was held on October 2.

September 15, 2015

We will be undergoing a renewal of the WSKO website to enrich its contents.  Recently, we have begun to receive a great number of branch reports to be published on the website, and the contents of these reports are quite long.  Therefore, we made the following changes to be a standard for publishing reports on the website.

•    We will prioritize reports that include events at the federation, regional, and multi-branch levels.  (We may ask you to publish reports of individual branches on your federation and branch websites.)
•    The length of reports must be no longer than 300 words, or if in Japanese, no longer than 600 characters.
•    The WSKO Secretariat will select pictures for publishing on the website.